
USGL Policy on local body publications

The following policy can be found in the Camp, Oasis, Lodge Master's Handbook

O. T. O.


March 2014 e.v.

VII. Local Publications

Local bodies may publish original material or Order archival material. Contact

O.T.O. International Headquarters about publishing a piece of Crowley's work or other

archival material. No copyright permission for Crowley material in the public domain in

the U.S.A. is required; this includes any of Crowley's writings published anywhere in the

world prior to 1923 e.v. Any material by Aleister Crowley, regardless of the publisher,

must have the following notice either on the cover or the first page after the cover:

Copyright © [year] Ordo Templi Orientis

Local body periodicals must also contain the following disclaimer,


viewpoints and opinions expressed herein are the responsibility of the contributing


If there is original material in the publication, the text "and the individual authors"

may be inserted after "Ordo Templi Orientis" in the above notice. The authorship of all

columns, editorials, and original submissions must be indicated by an identifiable by-line.

It is appropriate to include the O.T.O. International Headquarters address somewhere in

all local O.T.O. publications that are expected to reach the general public:

Ordo Templi Orientis

International Headquarters

JAF Box 7666

New York, NY 10116

O.T.O. International Headquarters frequently engages in publishing contracts with

commercial publishing houses. If you plan to publish material which has already been

commercially published, and your publication is intended for sale or distribution to the

public, contact the International Secretary General in advance to ensure that your

publication will not cause contractual difficulties.

One copy of each local body and/or other O.T.O. publication, including calendars

and periodicals, must be sent to the O.T.O. Local Body Publications Secretary for

archiving. For the current mailing address, write to LBpubsec@oto-usa.org. Links to

publications that exist solely in an electronic format may be sent to the following e-mail

address: LBpubsec@oto-usa.org

All policies applicable to print publication apply to on-line publication as well,

see Section XII.